Liberty Cold Storage
Bolingbrook, Illinois
- 132,000 sf -5°F freezer
- 55,000 sf -5°F/+35°F convertible rooms
- 9,000 sf +45°F HPP process room
- 7,000 sf +40°F IQF process room
- 8,000 sf dry storage
- 6,000 sf +38°F repack cooler
- 46,500 sf +40°F shipping dock
- 22,600 sf office/support building
- Blast Freezing for 110 Pallet Positions
- IQF Nitrogen freeze tunnel
Phase 1: We partnered with Liberty Foods on this 288,000 sf state-of-the-art food processing and freezer/distribution facility performing site selection, financing, municipal approvals, design/engineering, site development and construction. The facility contains "quick freeze" racks for blast freezing most food products within a 36 hour period. The facility also houses an HPP (high pressure pasteurization) process room which contains a piece of equipment for eliminating the bacteria on processed deli meats and greatly increase the shelf life of the product.
Phase 2: We added 113,000 sf building addition to the existing cold storage warehouse. The addition features -10°F freezer with racks and a blast freezer, 35°F cooler/docks with racks, 48°F citrus room with racks, 40°F food processing and welfare space.